ZWACK UNICUM is a name most likely never to occur to me, even in the most intense of brain storming, marketing sessions. However, in the depths of our bar fridge in a Budapest Hotel, lurked a strangely shaped bottle with such a name emblazoned upon it. We viewed the bottle with deep suspicion. Could the darkness of the bottle be the colour of the glass or the substance within? Holding the bottle to the light revealed nothing, whatever it was it was also a black hole; no light could escape. We placed the bottle back in the fridge.

Curiosity is a human condition and so it came to pass that we discovered other bottles of this strangely disturbing liquid in a downtown Budapest liquor store, whilst searching for a more common means of imbibing. This time, the bottles of ZWACK UNICUM came in increasingly larger sizes and we decided that an appropriately sized bottle, of whatever it was, would make an excellent present for Suzy’s father for his forthcoming birthday, for better or for worse. He is after all, a very congenial fellow and so are the Hungarians and at 3800 Hufs a bottle, it was a bargain!
Back at the Hotel, our thoughts returned to the sample in the bar fridge and our increasing curiosity to discover the true meaning of the contents. It would never do to have Mike sample his birthday present without us being able to comment. We reached for the bottle in the bar fridge and nervously unscrewing the top, discovered no smoke or noxious odours, only a pungent fragrance unlike any other. With the words of a good friend; “the liver is evil, it must be punished”, ringing in our ears, we took a swig.
It is said that the Emperor Joseph II of the Hapsburgs cried out, “Das ist ein Unikum!” when he first tasted the concoction, created for him by Dr Zwack, his Royal Physician. His further reactions are not recorded but you can spot the provenance. Our reactions were a little less dramatic but Suzy did have to have a lie down after a sip or three and I spend some time gazing out of the Hotel window at a brick wall. Such is the effect of a shot of Zwack. We could not decide if the taste was that of a pharmaceutical or a narcotic but as we have had very little experiences with the latter, we vote for the former.
We have yet to take another sip. However as I write, I see the bottle of ZWACK out of the corner of my eye and I begin to feel a strange longing …. The Communist regime couldn’t put Familie Zwack out of business and with such a drink they have lived long and prospered. Good luck to them.
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